I have just recently became a proud and happy owner of this wonderful Android phone, but it was not easy. Rogers is milking this cow as hard as they could: stock is limited, only small shipments of 3-4 are sent out to stores. It took a bit of leg work and persistent calling to get my hands on one, here's how you can do it.
Where? At the moment of this writing Galaxy S Captivate is sold through Rogers, Future Shop, Wireless Wave, Walmart and Costco (Wireless Etc). There are other stores that supposed to get some, but that seem to happen a lot less frequently.
How? Most places receive their phones by currier/post and deliveries happen between 10:30am and noon. So to be one of the first few, call just before noon and ask if there's any Captivates in stock. Be polite and friendly, do not, under any circumstance be nasty to sales reps. You might have to call them daily for a week or two, so it's best if they don't hate your guts. At first I called every potential location and collected information: "Any in stock?", "When do you expect more?", "What time of the day do deliveries usually come in?", "Can I get on the callback list?" The general gist is that most of these places just don't know, so you will have to call pretty much every work day of the week.
Now here are the numbers. It seems that Future Shop and Costco (Wireless Etc) get this phone most frequently, so I'd start with them and them move on to Walmart and Wireless Wave. Good luck!
Future Shop (ask for cellphone dept.)
- (204) 772-5722 (St. James)
- (204) 667-9140 (Regent)
- (204) 982-0551 (Pembina)
- (204) 633-6105 (Garden City)
- (204) 772-4379 (St. James)
- (204) 663-4869 (Regent)
- (204) 489-9391 (McGilivray)
Walmart (ask for cellphone dept.)
- (204) 284-6900 (1001 Empress St)
- (204) 897-3410 (3655 Portage Ave)
- (204) 334-2273 (2370 McPhillips St)
- (204) 488-2052 (1665 Kenaston Blvd)
- (204) 669-3575 (1576 Regent Ave)
- (204) 256-7027 (1225 St. Mary's Rd)
Wireless Wave
- (204) 663-7297 (Kildonan Place)
- (204) 774-9283 (Polo Park)
- (204) 772-9283 (St Vital)